Solo moroccan trip experience

Solo moroccan trip experience

 What does it mean to have a solo vacation? This term, coined by the travel industry, simply refers to a passenger booking on their own; it does not, however, imply that the traveler is actually going it alone, at least not these days. Solo vacations are big business, and the revenue from singletons aged 30, 40, 50, 60, and even 70 who go on tour is steadily increasing. If you're single, you're no longer alone; you may even book a solo holiday' and travel with up to 25 other people! So, whether you're a youthful 18-year-old male searching for some fun in the big wide world or a lady looking for a break without her partner, what are your options?

Book a group escorted tour with a guide who will show you around and a large number of other travelers with whom to share the experience. It's possible that you'll be in a group with other singles, couples, or groups of friends.

Book a solo vacation where everyone else is, of course, a single traveler! If you ask me, these are more like dating vacations, and there are usually too many women and not enough men. The advantage is that you're with people who understand what it's like to be single.

Go at it on your own! This is the least appealing option for someone new to solo travel and is not recommended for lone ladies traveling to more risky nations. This alternative is lonely, despite the fact that you are likely to encounter others along the road.

Morocco Vacations

It's your first solo travel, so take precautions. A week away with strangers on a different type of vacation will be an adventure, usually a nice one, but it may not be for you. So, with this in mind, consider booking a trip to Morocco, which is near to home, a short trip to a more westernized area, and inexpensive. Morocco is a wonderful concoction of exotic spices, ornately decorated architecture, both ancient and new, and historical allure. In the highlands, you may escape the summer heat by walking the Atlas routes, staying in communities that haven't changed much since the Middle Ages, or relaxing in five-star getaways with pools.

As you go south from the mountains, you will arrive in Marrakech, which is frantic and chaotic. For those on a group excursion, the bustling tourist hotspot is a must-see: haggle in the markets with your newfound friends and share buckets of the refreshing mint tea before enjoying one or more of the 200 bars on offer. Marrakech is a must-see, however, three or four nights should suffice.

Away from Marrakech, Morocco has it all: beaches, historical sites, movie sets, a vast desert (ideal for sandboarding), and an ancient culture that is still very much alive. Essaouira is a hippy town on the Atlantic Coast that is all about relaxing and taking in the sights of normal life in a fishing port. Families on vacation are also present, but don't let that deter you.

Ait Benhaddou is a wonderful example of an ancient desert community, with massive houses carved into the sand and rock and the entire town painted a deep red. You may recognize this location as the set for the film Gladiator. The medieval towns of Fez and imperial Rabat in the north are definitely worth visiting and boast beautiful architecture. In general, Morocco has something to offer everyone. If you decide solo journeys aren't for you, it's not too far away, and the food should be familiar. There are lots to keep you busy, and if you need a break, there are plenty of coasts to relax on.

Is it time to try the solo trip to Morocco?

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